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스킬쉐어/인사 카드 디자인. 제출


Write a BRIEF email pitch

  • Introduction: Name, Related Experiencs
  • Reason for email: Goal, Explanation of attached presentation
  • Any other services you can/want to offer: Custom work, Portfolio access
  • Positive closing statement
  • Contact Info: Phone number, website

* 예시 이메일

제목: New Artist Submission

내용: Hello! My name is [First Name] and I am an illustrator and surface designer. I have experience as an in-house designer at [Previous Company Name] where I was a Lead Designer. This role gave me in-depth understanding of the paper goods industry and how to translate trends into art that sells. I am now freelancing and licensing and would like to share with you a few of my brand new collections I have available for the holidays and everyday. If these are not what you need right now, I would love to hear what you are looking for as I just might have what you need. I aslo love doing special custom projects.

I feel that my style is a good fit for [Company Name] and I would love to work with you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your consideration!

[First Name Last Name]

[Phone Number]

[Website Name]

[Website Address]



How to Find Companies

  • You are submitting to manufacturers NOT retailers
    • Just because a store sells card, that doesn't mean they make them. Some manufacturers are also retailers, like Papyrus, but not all.
  • Make a list of card manufacturers

Kate Harper Blog

I am a designer who lives in Berkeley California and has worked in the greeting card and gift industry for over 20 years.


  • Look at the manufacturer's websites
    • some have submissions guidelines
    • some have executive contacts
    • some require more sleuthing (google searches, linkedin etc.)
  • DO NOT ask for contacts from other artists!
  • Some you will not be able to find contacts for
    • they may not want unsolicited submissions
    • once you are more established you can exhibit at a trade show and meet these contacts

Who to submit to

  • Look at the cards on their websites, does your style work for them?
  • Do they sell cards in the themes you are pitching?
  • Customize your pitch & presentation to each
    • if you have names, address personally
    • BRIEFLY tell them what you like about their company and any details about you that are relevant to them specifically
  • Remove any designs from your presentation taht aren't appropriate for them


  • Consider sending to 1 company at a time
    • wait 1 week and if you haven't heard back send to another
    • this is a suggestion not a rule


후속 조치(Follow Up)

Type of Responses

  • No response
    • do not dismay, ok to keep sending new art
  • Thank you, but not interested
    • ok to keep sending new art unless asked to stop
  • Thank you, but you are not a fit
    • cross off your list and leave them alone
  • What else do you have?
    • usually means they like your work but the specific art you sent is not what they need at the moment
    • if you have more art, send attachments or a link to online portfolio
    • ask what specifically they are looking for and let them know if you are willing to create something custom
    • ask to be included in any calls for submissions
    • ask what themes they are looking for coming up
  • We are interested in X, Y, Z...
    • WooHoo! You've hit a greeting card hole in one!
    • May want to make adjustments
      • layout, colors, text
      • may ask you to do it or ask if they can in-house
    • Next step to work out contract & compensation



Typical Compensation Structures

  • Freelance/Work for Hire
    • commissioned to create new work, usually an hourly fee for your time
    • they own the artwork
  • Flat Fee Buyout
    • they pay you a dollar amount for the transfer of ownership from you to them
  • Flat Fee License
    • they pay you a dollar amount for the license to use your art on a specified product(s), for a specified length of time
    • you own the artwork and can license it in other categories
  • Royalty License
    • they pay you a percentage of profit from sales of your design for the license to use it on specified product(s), for a specified length of time.
    • sometimes there is an advance paid
    • you own the artwork and can license it in other categories


  1. You should have a rought understanding of what you will accept from them or ask of them in the case that they are interested in your art
  2. Refer to the Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook for fee standards
  3. Compensation is different for each artist based on experience and demand
  4. You will get more confident about pricing as you gain more experience


Other Factors to Look for

  • Rights Ownership
  • Exclusivity
  • Term Length & Renewal
  • Artist Credit
  • Samples

Get Expert Help

  • If you don't understand a contract, get help
  • Download resource guide for recommendations